CARE project kick-off meeting 23-24 January
Abstract on INTEGRATE dataset accepted at CROI 2019
November 2018
The study on "GSS of NRTI-backbone predicts time to virological failure of InSTIs-based regimens" realised on INTEGRATE data has been accepted for poster presentation at CROI 2019
in Seattle 4-7 March 2019.
CARE project accepted for funding by the EC under the topic H2020-SC1-BHC-21-2018 of the H2020 programme
September 2018
CARE is a COMMON ACTION AGAINST HIV/TB/HCV ACROSS THE REGIONS OF EUROPE, coordinated by EuResist Network with scientific coordination of CHIP/RegionH
RCLM: Russian Congress Laboratory Medicine
Moscow, 11-13 October 2016
EuResist participates in the II RCLM where EuResist partner Prof. Bobkova is organizer of the Virology section.
New EuResist Engine presented at ACM BCB
Seattle, 2-7 October 2016
A novel engine predicting time to HIV rebound as been presented at ACM conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Siena, 6-7 October 2016
EuResist participates in the organization of the second AMS event in Siena: hands-on training on querying clinical-genetic DBs.
HIV and Hepatitis Nordic Conference
Stockholm, 28-30 September 2016
EuResist participates in the 3rd regional annual event, co-organised by EuResist partner Prof. Sonnerborg.
EuResist-Arevir Annual Meeting
Cologne, 29-30 April 2016
For registration and accommodation:
Erbil, 24-29 February 2016
During the second mission of the KRG SHMS Project, the pilot monitoring system has been installed in 10 test centres in Erbil, Dohuk and Suleymania.
EuResist-Arevir annual meeting
Cologne April 4-5, 2014
The Programme of the EuResist session and the slides of the meeting are available online!
26 March 2014
The training on HIV coreceptor was held Wednesday March 26th from 10.00 till 12.00 in the Fira Palace Hotel, Barcelona. For the programme, please see at: upcoming trainings
EuResist "Success Story" is now in a book - EuREsist project success story and Francesca Incardona's interview for the 16th issue of the SME update are now published in the publication Investing in European Success.
EDCTP ENNEA Annual Meeting
Nairobi, Kenya, 24 October 2012
The International Management Board meeting of the Project, sustained by EuResist Network, will be hosted by World Friends Kenya.
EuResist at the International Woman Child and HIV Congress
8-10 October 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia
EuResist Network is invited to present its history and initiatives.
Phylogenetics on large clinical HIV resistance databases
30 August 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
EuResist has been presented at the workshop organised by UniLeuven within the 17th International BioInformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology
EuResist International Meeting May 4 2012 - within the AREVIR-GenaFor meeting 2012 in Cologne. Talks on EuResist present and future, EuResist in Africa, the EucoHIV project, the EuResist engine in Brasil: a comparative study, History-alignment models. See the programme
III training course on HIV DRUG RESISTANCE February 20-22 2012 KEMRI Training Center, Nairobi, Kenya - Participation is open subject to availability – contact:
EDCTP ENNEA training on data management November 14-16 2011 Muhimbili hospital, Dar Es Salaam - The course followed by 15 trainees has covered basics of statistics and data management, IT tools for HIV patient management and online tools for HIV resistance prediction, subtyping, phylogenetic analysis. See The ENNEA project
EuResist Network at the sixth EDCTP Forum October 9-13 2011 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia - Supporting the EDCTP ENNEA project, EuResist Network was at the sixth EDCTP Forum (link where a poster has been presented. On the 13th the II IMB meeting has been held at Black Lyon Hospital, Addis.
EuResist Network at the Think Tank INBIOMEDvision meeting June 24, 2011, London, UK - EuResist participated in the discussion on "hot topics" in BMI, finalised to produce a strategy report on future lines for EU-funded research.
EuResist International Meeting 5-6 May 2011, Bonn, Germany within the AREVIR Meeting. - Talks on treatment, resistance and data collection in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Russia, Tanzania, Vietnam. You can now download the talks.
EuResist at the 9th European Workshop on HIV & Hepatitis in Cyprus 23–25 March 2011, Paphos, Cyprus - Thomas Lengauer was invited speaker on "Applying bioinformatics to clinical practice: what will the future bring?" EuResist was also present with other oral presentations and posters.
EuResist at the Experts dialogue workshop 7-8 March 2011, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - EuResist has been presented at the Experts dialogue workshop on Thematic priority setting for EU, Caribbean & Central America in research and innovation.
First ENEAA/EDCTP training 21 to 25 February 2011, Nairobi, Kenya - The first training organised by the ENEAA /EDCTP project has been on HIV DRUG RESISTANCE and it was hosted by the KEMRI TRAINING CENTER, Nairobi. FACILITATORS: Maurizio Zazzi, EuResist Network, Genny Meini, University of Siena.
AIDS Research Award - 11 February 2011 - The AIDS Research Award of the Heinz-Ansmann Foundation to Rolf Kaiser, Thomas Lengauer and Mark Oette for interdisciplinary team work in HIV resistance analysis that laid the ground for improved patient care. Link
EuResist at the Chennai ART symposium 8-9 January 2011, Chennai, India - EuResist has been presented and collaborations set up at the Chennai ART symposium 2011, 8th-9th January, in Chennai India.
EuResist on the Journal of Medical Science - The Journal of Medical Science (Medicinsk Vetenskap) published by Karolinska Institutet has an article about EuResist in its first issue for 2011.
EuResist has been present at 10HIV: tenth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection 7-11 November 2010 Glasgow, UK - EuResist work has been selected for oral and poster presentation. Link
EuResist participated at the first Management Board meeting of the EDCTP networking action in eastern African Area, 20 October 2010 Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania - The international EuResist event has been held within the annual Arevir meeting. Picture
EuResist has been present at the 16th International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology 29 August - 03 September 2010, Bethesda, USA - One abstract from EuResist has been selected for oral presentation.
The first EuResist Event - April 23rd 2010, Caesar (Bonn), Germany - The international EuResist event has been held within the annual Arevir meeting - Genafor website
2009 IBM inc. selected EuResist as a success story - IBM inc. selected EuResist as a success story to disseminate world wide its involvement in research and realised a short video on the project. The video, about 5 min long, was made in Siena, where the lab of prof. Zazzi is, featuring prof. Zazzi University of Siena), Dr. Rosen Zvi (IBM) and Francesca Incardona (Informa).
EuResist has been present at the 8th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop - March 17-19, 2010, Sorrento, Italy - Two abstracts from EuResist have been selected, for oral and electronic poster presentation.
Swedish International Developing Agency presents EuResist, December 1 2009, Stockholm, Sweden - The Swedish International Developing Agency presented EuResist research activities on their home-page on World AIDS Day, as an important example how new modern techniques can contribute to improvement of health in resource-poor countries. Link
EuResist has been presented at the Accademia dei Lincei, October 28 2009, Rome, Italy - During the Seminar "E-health: rivoluzione digitale in medicina" sponsored by "Fondazione Rosselli IEM" and "Galileo servizi editoriali" EuResist has been presented.
Fifth EDCTP Forum "Fighting HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria" - One World, One Partnership, October 12-14 2009, Arusha, Tanzania - Two abstracts from EuResist have been selected, for oral and electronic poster presentation. Link
XVIII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop "Basic principles & clinical implications" - June 9-13 2009, Fort Myers (Florida), USA - EuResist has been present. Link
EuResist Network received the prestigious Computerworld Honors program laureate Award, June 1, 2009, Washington, D.C. - EuREsist received the prestigious Computerworld Honors Award 2008. In addition to it, EuResist also won the 21st Century Achievement award, establishing its technology contribution as top of its class among the Healthcare Laureates. Computerworld Honors is the longest running global program to honor individuals and organizations that use information technology to benefit society. The technology achievements honored by this program are preserved and protected in national archives, and in over 350 universities, museums and research institutions throughout the world. Website - Picture
AREVIR-GenaFor Meeting 2009 - April 23-24 2009, Bonn, Germany - EuResist has been present.
7th European HIV Drug Resistance workshop, March 25-27 2009, Stockholm, Sweden - Five abstracts from EuResist have been accepted, of which 4 have been selected for oral presentations:
Talk on “Antiretroviral Therapy Optimisation without Genotype Resistance Testing: a Perspective on Treatment History Based Models” (Prosperi et al.);
Talk on “Predicting virological response by different systems interpreting genotypic HIV-1 drug resistance in a large European cohort” (Frentz et al.);
Talk on "Keeping models that predict response to antiretroviral therapy up-to-date: fusion of pure data-driven approaches with rules-based methods" (Altmann et al.);
Talk and Poster "Do not blame the fitness! - Only slight impact of predicted replicative capacity for therapy response prediction" (Altmann et al.);
Poster “Predicting virological response using genotypic approaches for Tenofovir” (Frentz et al.);
Prof. Zazzi chaired the Round Table “The power and limitations of large database analyses”, Prof. Kaiser & Prof. Clotet chaired Session 5 "Resistance to Antiretrovirals: New Classes (Entry Inhibitors)",
Prof. Deluca & Prof. Sonnerborg chaired Session 8 “Interpretation Approaches”.
EuResist Moscow meeting, December 15-16 2008, Moscow, Russia - First EuResist meeting in Russia, organised with support from Jansen Cilag, has been held succesfully.
EuResist is project of the month of November 2008 - Link
ICT BIO 2008 Conference, Oct 23-24 2008 - Brussels, Belgium - EuResist on-line prediction system has been presented at the Exhibition.
The Guardian - August 14,2008 - EuResist on The Guardian in the article "Technological crystal ball boosts AIDS survival"
EuResist on ICT results! - August 08, 2008 - EuResist in the European Commission showcase of successful ICT research!
They talk about us - August 08,2008 - A detailed large coverage press article on EuResist. Link
EuResist on Slashdot - August 08, 2008 - The discussion about EuResist becomes more and more being involved: see the blog!
16th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular, Biology ISMB 2008, July 17-23 2008 - Toronto, Canada - EuResist has been selected to participate with the talk and paper “Selecting anti-HIV therapies based on a variety of genomic and clinical factors”, Rosen-Zvi, et al., Bioinformatics 2008; 24: i399-406, special issue for ISMB 2008, Oxford University Press. Website
XVII International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, June 10-14 2008 – Sitges, Spain - EuResist has been presented with a Poster on "Sustaining 3TC/FTC, ABC, AZT or ATV from a previous treatment shows a clinical benefit" Rosen-Zvi et al., Antivir. Ther.(2008) Vol 13 Suppl. 3, A76. Website
EuResist Russia-Europa Meeting - June 14, 2008 - Cologne - The University of Rostov and the University of Cologne, organised within EuResist the joined meeting. Researchers from Max Planck Institute and from University of Cologne presented the EuResist project results to German and Russian Clinicians and Virologists taking care of HIV-patients.
AREVIR-RKI-EuResist Meeting - April 10, 2008 - Bonn - Arevir organised, together with EuResist, its 3rd meeting on "Monitoring HIV resistance". Link
EuResist on Punto Informatico - April 08, 2008 - Punto Informatico
EuResist Baltic Meeting - April 03, 2008 - Tallinn, Estonia - EuResist co-organised the Second Baltic-Swedish HIV Meeting. The event focuses on the integration of viral genomics with clinical data performed by the EuResist project to predict response to anti-HIV treatment.
EuResist on IBM Research - April 01, 2008 - IBM Research put emphasis on EuResist
6th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, March 26-28, 2008 - Budapest, Hungary - EuResist has been presented (session 5) with: "The EuResist approach for predicting response to anti HIV-1 therapy". Website
International Conference of the Royal Statistical Society, 2007 - EuResist has been presented with: "Predicting Response to Antiretroviral Treatments in HIV Patients – the EuResist Project".
16th International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, June 12-16, 2007 - Barbados, West Indies - EuResist has been presented with: "Inferring Virological Response from Genotype: With or without predicted phenotypes?". Website
EuResist on Jerusalem Post – November 10, 2007 - An article on EuResist appeared in The Jerusalem Post
2007 HL7 UK Conference: Making Interoperability Work, November 21-22, 2007 – London, UK - EuResist has been presented with a talk on "Standard based interoperability middleware helps fight AIDS"
EuResist on ISRAEL21c - October 25, 2007 - ISRAEL21c website features EuResist on its Technology page
The World of Health It Conference & Exhibition, October 22-25, 2007 – Vienna, Austria - EuResist at WHIT. EuResist has been presented during the e-session E 104: "EuResist: An integrated system for management of antiretroviral drug resistance". Press release
EuResist on Globes - October 16, 2007 - An article on EuResist has appeared this week on Globes, the most influential financial newspaper in Israel
EuResist on European Research Headlines - October 12, 2007 - The daily news relating to R&D in Europe report on EuResist
International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe, June 26-27, 2007 – Barcelona, Spain - EuResist has been presented with a talk Link
1st International Symposium on Genetic and Immune Correlates of HIV infection and vaccine-induced immunity, June 10-13, 2007 - Budapest, Hungary - EuResist has been presented with a talk
IST-Africa 2007 Conference & Exhibition, May 09, 2007 - Maputo, Mozambique - EuResist paper was accepted and presented at the conference that was held in Maputo, Mozambique. Website
AREVIR RKI Annual Meeting - April 19-20, 2007 - Bonn, Germany - EuResist was presented with three talks at AREVIR meeting held in Bonn on 19-20 April. Website
5th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, March 28-29, 2007 - Cascais, Portugal - EuResist has been presented with three talks and with two posters. Website
Statistik 2007 - March 27, 2007 - Bielefeld, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
DIA (Drug Information Association) 19th Annual Euro Meeting, March 26-28, 2007 - Vienna, Austria - EuResist has been presented with a talk. Website
Dagstuhl seminar on Similarity based Clustering and its Applications in Medicine and Biology - March 25-30, 2007 - Wadern, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk. Website
CNR-IASI - February 07, 2007 - Rome, Italy - EuResist has been presented with a talk
EuResist Project Meeting SIENA - Januray 29-30, 2007 - The First European eHealth News Portal - Learning Club at the Hebrew University Jerusalem, December 28, 2006 - Jerusalem, Israel - EuResist has been presented with a talk
IBM Corporate featured EuResist in its 2006 annual report to shareholders
University of Utrecht - December 20, 2006 - Utrecht, Holland - EuResist has been presented with a talk
The NIPS 2006 Conference - December 08-09, 2006 - Vancouver, Canada - EuResist has been presented with a talk and with a poster. Website
St. George's Research Day - December 07, 2006 - Tooting, London - EuResist has been presented with a poster
EuResist on the press - December 04, 2006 - Italy - An article about EuResist appeared on "Affari e Finanza" magazine of "la Repubblica" (The second largest newspaper in Italy)
IBM Watson Institute - December 01, 2006 - Hawthorne, California - EuResist has been presented with a talk and with a poster
Swedish Medical Association Annual meeting, November 29, 2006 - Stockholm, Sweden - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Interview to Anders Sonnerborg in Dagens Medicin (English: Daily Medicine) - November 29, 2006 - Dagens Medicin is the largest weekly paper for healthcare professionals in Scandinavia.
Geno2pheno - November 27, 2006 - Berlin, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
EMEA Assessors Meeting - November 24, 2006 - Uppsala, Sweden - EuResist has been presented with a talk
"Biomedical Informatics for Optimised Treatment of Infectious Diseases", November 22, 2006 - Helsinki, Finland - The Workshop, organized by the EuResist project within IST 2006, has been very successful both under the attendance point of view and under the scientific point of view. Presentations
"Oltre i Confini Dell'Ospedale" - November 15, 2006 - Bologna, Italy - EuResist has been presented to an audience of 100 persons at the Gebbalab -IBM meeting "Oltre i Confini dell'Ospedale" in Bologna on November 14th.
RWTH Aachen - November 13, 2006 - Aachen, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Annual Clinical Sciences Lectures, November 09, 2006 - Stockholm, Sweden Bioinformatics Munich Workshop: From Genomes to Systems Biology, November 09, 2006 - Munich, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Workshop on Innovative Technologies in the Preventive Health Sector, November 07, 2006 - Enschede, Holland - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Workshop on Bioinformatics and Modeling in Biomedicine, October 27, 2006 - Luxembourg - EuResist has been presented with a talk. Website
European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA, October 27, 2006 - London - Euresist has been presented with a talk
Swedish West Regional HIV meeting - October 12, 2006 <, Stokholm, Sweden - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Wissenschaft für jedermann - October 11, 2006 - Munich, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Resistenzworkshop - September 14, 2006 - Frankfurt a.M - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Clinical relevance of HIV evolutionary pathways and the genetic barrier to drug resistance -September 11, 2006 - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Der Haarte Alltag - September 08, 2006 - Frankfurt a.M. - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Division of Infectious Diseases - September 06, 2006 - Stockholm, Sweden - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Informatik überzeugt - September 01, 2006 - Paderborn, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
HIV specialists of the Semmelweiss University - July 14, 2006 - Budapest - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Nacht der Informatik - July 01, 2006 - Saarbrücken, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
ICT for BIO-Medical Sciences - June 29-30, 2006 - Brussels, Belgium - EuResist has been presented with a brief talk and with a poster to an audience of around 300 people at the "ICT for BIO conference." The conference has been organised by the European Commission DG Information Society and Media and DG Research and with the support of three roadmapping projects of DG INFSO (SYMBIOMATICS, STEP & SHARE). Website
Post Sitges Meeting - June 21, 2006 - Frankfurt a.M. - EuResist has been presented with a talk Machine Learning Seminar - June 04, 2006 - Israel - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Information Technology for Public Health Seminar - June 01, 2006 - Israel - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Molekular Diagnostics Meeting - May 25, 2006 - Graz - EuResist has been presented with a talk
CUBIC-CDFD – April 20, 2006 - Cologne, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Virologie, March 16, 2006 - Munich, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Interview to Anders Sonnerborg in Karolinska University Hospitals - monthly paper - March 14, 2006
Charité Berlin, Insitut für Virologie - March 08, 2006 - Berlin, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
Workshop on Systems Biology - March 03, 2006 - Berlin, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk
HL7-HIMSS - February 02, 2006 / March 01, 2006 - New Orleans - EuResist has been presented with a talk
EuResist related web-pages or links in Partners' Institutional web sites, February 01, 2006 - EuResist related web-pages or links have been created in Partners' Institutional web sites
EuResist Institutional web site - February 01, 2006 - EuResist Institutional web site has been created
HIV Abseits der Standards - January 27, 2006, Zoologic Garden – Cologne, Germany - EuResist has been presented with a talk