Winner of
Computerworld Honors 2009
A European multidisciplinary network for the fight against HIV drug resistance
The EuResist Integrated Database
with data of more than 105.000 HIV patients is open for research studies.
Sweden achieves UN HIV epidemic goals
18 October 2024
Sweden has surpassed the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals, an important milestone in the fight against HIV. By 2022, 96% of people living with HIV (PWHIV) in Sweden have been diagnosed, 99% of those diagnosed are on antiviral treatment, and 98% of treated individuals have achieved viral suppression. This progress comes despite the fact that half of all PWHIV in Sweden contracted HIV abroad.
The new biomarker model developed by Thomas Leitner, former PhD student of Prof. Sönnerborg at Karolinska Institutet, now at Los Alamos National Laboratory has been used to generate the results found in the paper "Sweden surpasses the UNAIDS 95-95-95 target: estimating HIV-1 incidence, 2003 to 2022" as it helps to better estimate the number of undiagnosed cases.

EuCARE SCHOOLS Study: key findings presented in the Workshop on Pandemic Preparedness
29 November 2024
EuCARE unveiled the findings of its SCHOOLS study during the successful international workshop titled "The Science of Pandemics: Past, Present and Evidence-Based Strategies for the Future". The event took place on 29th November 2024 at the prestigious Università IULM, Palazzo Cipolla, in the heart of Rome.
This high-level scientific gathering featured renowned international experts and fostered a critical dialogue on key issues related to pandemic management and research. Among the focal topics in the scientific programme were pandemic surveillance in schools; the effectiveness of the Lolli Method; the use of masks in educational settings and the psychological effects of containment measures on children.
The workshop also integrated perspectives from schools themselves, providing a unique and comprehensive approach to the discussion. It aimed to inspire evidence-based strategies for better preparedness and response to future pandemics, blending insights from science, education, and health policy.
This event was open to researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, and policymakers interested in advancing the science and management of pandemics.

The EuResist Network shines at the Nordic HIV & Virology Conference 2024.
Prof. Anders Sönnerborg moderated the plenary session: “HIV Persistence and Cure”. Dr. Rolf Kaiser and Dr. Martin Pirkl shared insights on "Resistance Test Tools and Their Application in Clinical Routine" during the plenary session on Antiviral Treatment and Resistance".
Prof. Milosz Parcewski presented "Phylogenetic Evolution and Spread of HIV-1 Subtype A6 from Ukraine" during the plenary session on Epidemiology.
The Nordic HIV & Virology Conference represents a great opportunity for discussing science in a very stimulating environment.
EuResist Network shines at Nordic HIV & Virology Conference 2024
25-27 September 2024

A new article about the EuCARE schools study was just published online by the national Italian newspaper "Il fatto quotidiano".
Sara Gandini (from the European Institute of Oncology) and Francesca Incardona (EuCARE project coordinator), discuss the study's findings on the effects of distance learning on students.
The preliminary results of the EuCARE research suggest that students experienced higher anxiety, stress, and loneliness during remote learning.
This initial findings were presented at the ICAR (International Conference on Antiviral Research) in Rome in June 2024 .

EuCARE article on the distance learning and the impact on students grades and confidence
9 July 2024
EuResist at “La sanità che vorrei”, Italian Ministry of Health
3 July 2024
Francesca Incardona, participated in the high level institutional event on “The healthcare I wish (La sanità che vorrei)”, organized by the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT).
The event is hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health in Rome on July 3 from 10:30 to 13:00 and discussed the clinical and social aspects of health education and awareness of behaviours. Key public policy stakeholders and scientists participated in the meeting.
Check here for the press review.

Scuole e pandemia, i risultati dello studio EuCare: aumentati i disturbi psico-sociali mentre è calato l’apprendimento
26 November 2024
The Italian economic Newspaper “Il Sole 24 ORE” reported on the EuCARE Schools Study, which detailed the devastating impact of the pandemic on students' mental health. The study revealed a significant increase in anxiety, depression, and other psychosocial disorders, alongside a noticeable drop in academic performance. Read full article here.

EuCARE per capire l'impatto delle varianti di SARS-CoV-2
29 July 2024
The published guide accomplished to deliver a very important and impactful resume about the EuCARE project highlighting the main research focuses and its results. Furthermore, the article described the project collaborations established and the partners involved.

La didattica a distanza migliora voti e fiducia negli studenti? Gli studi scientifici dicono altro.
8 July 2024
EuCARE article published online on Il fatto quotidiano about distance learning and the impact on students grades and confidence.

EuCARE studia l'impatto del Covid-19: quali sono le migliori azioni da intraprendere in situazioni di emergenza.
20 December 2023
EuCARE and the issue of preparedness on Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy's leading business daily newspaper.

Il Covid ha lasciato rabbia negli studenti
13 May 2023
Article published in regional newspaper on the preliminary results of the EuCAREschool study presented during the "WeCARE for Schools" event
Covid, al via un progetto per analizzare l’effettivo contagio nelle scuole
2 June 2022
Da settembre lo studio di EuCARE. Sotto la lente anche l'impatto psicologico delle restrizioni e l'eventuale perdita di apprendimento a esse associata.
EuCARE: partito lo studio internazionale sul ruolo della scuola durante la pandemia
19 June 2022
Il Metodo Lolli già applicato in 3 istituti a Lodi e Lecce
Covid, nelle scuole italiane arriva il progetto europeo ‘Eucare’
1 June 2022
Si tratta di uno studio scientifico internazionale per adottare le migliori pratiche per tutelare tutti gli studenti in queste nuove fasi della pandemia
Audible by Radio Radicale:
9 November 2021
Audible by Rai GR Parlamento
15 May 2022

Coordinated by Euresist Network, 25 primary universities, hospitals and ICT research centres are collaborating to provide robust, data driven evidence to deal with SARS-CoV-2 variants and COVID-19 epidemics.
How do SARS-COV-2 variants, coupled with other factors, influence the clinical course of COVID-19? Is there any vaccine or test escape related to variants? Do variants influence, and how, the spread in the school setting? Can we define a better testing and containment strategy in the school setting? What is the impact of containment measures, including schools closure, on pupils and teachers?
With the support of strong immuno-virological and artificial intelligence components, the study will take advantage of large hospital patients, vaccinated healthcare workers and schools’ cohorts in Europe, Kenya, Mexico, Russia and Vietnam to find an answer to urgent issues related to science and society....

The fight against global health threats from viral diseases takes a big step forward with AVITHRAPID "Antiviral Therapeutics for Rapid Response Against Pandemic Infectious Diseases". This ambitious project aims to create a pipeline of promising antiviral drugs built on existing small molecules with proven effectiveness against various viruses.

CARE (Common Action against HIV/TB/HCV across the Regions of Europe) aims at analysing and addressing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis C (HCV) epidemics across Europe and Russia, by establishing new networks and consolidating previous cooperative actions between the European Union and the Russian Federation.
The INTEGRATE project aims at building and maintaining a large, curated collection of virological and clinical data to increase scientific knowledge on resistance to integrase strand transfer inhibitors (InSTI) and on the most appropriate use of this class of antiretroviral agents.

The MDR project (HIV multidrug resistance pathways in the EuResist Integrated DataBase) aims at estimating the prevalence and trend over time of MDR (multidrug resistance) in HIV patients, using descriptive statistics, retaining high value because of the large sample size and wide representativeness of the EIDB.

Ciao Andrea.
On Feb 4th 2019, our great friend and EuResister Andrea De Luca lost his life in a horrible car accident, at the age of 55.
One year has passed and still we miss him with incredulity and sorrow.
Among many other projects, Andrea joined EuResist as a key leader soon after its launch, devoting his energy, commitment and capability to the success of the Network. He was an extra lively, smart, passionate, and positive person, always ready to help and take new tasks.
His loss is a huge loss for us, for his patients, for his beloved ones, for the international research community.
Ciao Andrea, we'll always miss you.